About The Momivist

Welcome to the Momivist!

My name is Jody Segrave-Daly, and I am a neonatal nurse, infant feeding specialist and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. My passion is for helping mothers (like yourself or someone you know) make informed decisions regarding the feeding and care of their babies.

On this site you’ll find discussions about JodyFBProfileevidenced-based medicine topics drawing on my extensive professional nursing experience working with newborns and infants.

I’m a pro-mom supporter with science and support on my mind!

My special interests are premature and late preterm infants, combination feeding, food protein allergies (dairy, soy sensitivities) medically complex infants, failure to thrive, yeast infection management and mainstream working/pumping moms.

I support all moms and support their individual feeding needs and choices

 Jody Segrave-Daly, MS, RN, IBCLC, Neonatal Nurse 

Disclosure: Jody Segrave-Daly dba “The Momivist” and “Breastfeeding Babies of Harrisburg, LLC” does not receive any form of compensation for this blog and website.  She has no sponsors, no advertisements, and no relationship with any corporation whatsoever.  Her sole purpose in operating TheMomivist.com is to provide science-based infant feeding information to the public.